
All Aboard

God’s Steward Ship has set sail for another year with many children and youth and various other adult volunteers on board. For the past month we have been exploring the scripture from 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ…Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many.” The children are taking time to discover what their role is here at Robertson-Wesley. Some have decided that they will provide secruity in the halls, others feel called to sharing their gift of music, some like to clean, and others like to take care of people. What is exciting is how different each child, youth, young adult and adult is in this congregation. We’ve agreed as the Kids’ Church that we have been called to paddle God’s boat in the spirit of friendship, the spirit of prayer, the spirit of caring, the spirit of justice, the spirit of belonging, the spirit of wisdom, and the spirit of joy.

Some of you saw the treasure boxes that the youngest children painted for our “Night of Celebration” in September. Inside each of these boxes were questions that different people got to answer. Here is a small sampling:”Where or when do you feel closest to God?” or “What is something you are passionate about right now in your life?” The people who attended the event entered into some lively and deep conversation with each other and were delighted with the artistic gifts of the children. The following Sunday the children got their boxes back but this time there were 7 messages in the box which they were instructed to read over the next 7 days. Some of the children made more then one box and so they were invited to give the box to another person or family as a gift. The delight on the eyes of the people who received these boxes from the little children were priceless!!! Imagine how it would feel to open up the box and receive the following messages: “Your spirit lights up the world!” or “Jesus loves you for who you are!”

I’m sure many of you have heard the saying, “It takes a whole village to raise one child” in my mind this means we all have a part to play in the lives of our children and youth. I invite you to come downstairs and be a part of our exploration with the scriptures through cooking, storytelling, art, drama, music, movement, wood work, gardening etc. Or simply come downstairs and spend some time getting to know these wonderful members of our congregation! I promise that it will change your life and bring you joy and inspiration.

— Karen Bridges —

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