
Easter Vigil Reflection

Easter Vigil
On the eve of Easter, people gathered as some of the disciples once did at the tomb of Jesus the night before he was resurrected. The people gathered to pray, to wait, and to remember. We began the night with a service that helped us to reflect on what the followers of Jesus would have felt the night before they knew and heard that Jesus had been resurrected. We lit candles, and we sang “Jesus Remember Me.” People from the congregation and youth groups from the United Church in Edmonton were invited to spend time in the sanctuary throughout the night to engage in the ritual of waiting and keeping the candle lit. Someone was always present in the sanctuary until the Sunrise Easter Service the next morning.

Around midnight youth from St. Paul’s United Church, Knox-Met United Church and Riverbend United Church joined the youth from Robertson-Wesley United Church for a time of fellowship, food, fun, vigil and reflection on the meaning of resurrection and where we felt that transformation was needed in our own lives and the world that we live in. This large gather of youth in the middle of the night was a sign of hope as the faithful gathered and shared the good news. We hope and pray that more people will come and be a part of this meaningful ritual in the years to come for it is through this waiting that the transformation of Easter is brought to life.

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