Mary Speaks and Judas Turns

Jeremiah 31:31-34 I will write my law on their hearts.
Mary 4-7 Mary turned their minds to good.
John 12:20-33 Whoever serves me, God will honour.

The seed of true humanity is that which falls into the earth and dies.for then it bears much fruit. As we move towards the last hour of Jesus’ life and Jesus begins to shed light on the implications that his crucifixion and resurrection will have on all of humanity we will gaze into the lives of two of Jesus’ disciples — Judas and Mary Magdalene. Each has a very different relationship with Jesus; each has come from a very different place; each reacts to this news in a different way. How we will reconcile with God and accept that God’s law is written on our hearts? How will our lives be reconciled and transformed when Jesus Christ is risen? What will Mary say and what will Judas do?

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