Redefining Home & Community

Psalm 138 I praise God with all my heart.
2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 Our inner nature is renewed day by day.
Mark 3:20-35 Who give Jesus his power?

Pentecost draws into focus the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church and in our lives and invites us to meet that Spirit in the living of our lives. When Jesus’ mother and family came to see him, his disciples announced them but Jesus replied, “Who are my sisters and my brothers?” Jesus called his followers to re-examine their relationships, to see one another as family and love one another accordingly. Imagine what our church would be like if we knew one another like our family, if we could be present to one another in that way…. When we allow Spirit to guide our lives, our words and our actions, our relationships with others are changed and all things are possible.

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