
Fundraising at Robertson-Wesley — a meaningful conversations

On October 23, ten congregation members joined with Rev. Karen Bridges and pod coordinators Tory Bachmann and Colleen Ouellette in a conversation about fundraising. We considered the differences between pledging, campaigns and fundraising; discussed the strengths and weaknesses of our current fundraising practices; and expressed our hopes and dreams for the future.  This discussion was a great example of how Robertson-Wesley is becoming an intentional congregation (one that thinks about what they do and why they do it). 
As we shared ideas in both small and large groups, we realized that we belong to a very generous congregation, but also that fundraising activities serve many purposes beyond the evident one of raising money.  We acknowledged that the myriad of fundraising activities can become confusing and overwhelming to congregation members, and that changes to our current practices could result in better focus and clarity.  A common theme emerged when we talked about our ideal world:  If pledges and givings could cover the church’s operating expenses and M&S commitments, we could devote more energy to activities that continue to create fellowship, build relationships, offer outreach, and bring people into Robertson-Wesley, but without the focus on money.  An admirable goal for 2013! 
By the end of the discussion, a palpable energy infused the room as the group decided to gather again early in the new year to clarify the goals of the congregation, identify priority areas and work together to develop a fundraising schedule for 2013.  Others are welcome to join this task group; just keep an eye out for the announcement in the Sunday bulletin, e-newsletter and RW website.  

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