The Wholeness Story

  • Jeremiah 33:14-16 A Righteous Branch
  • 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 Strengthen your hearts in holiness
  • Luke 21:25-36 Urgency to watch

This waiting and watching, then the arrival, have been ritualized in the Advent and Christmas liturgical cycle. Some of us want only a part of it. One wants to skip the promise: don’t trust promises. ?Another wants to skip the watching part: too busy — just let me know when it happens.?Some would skip the moment of fulfillment: spare me the dramatics, the song and dance; just fix it so we can move on. ?And some want to lose the repetition: can we achieve this once and for all, instead of always messing it up again? But we live the whole story — because it is what makes for the wholeness we all seek.

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