The eyes are the window of the soul

Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 God seals the covenant with Abram and Sarai

Philippians 3:17-4:1 My dear friends, my joy, my crown, hold firm in God.

Luke 13:31-35 Jesus cries over Jerusalem as a hen over her chicks.

For some, the eyes are the first place we look to discover
 whether or not you can trust someone. To gaze deep into
the eyes of another is an intimate act that connects people
on a different level. Abram was faced with a choice to trust
 in God, Paul challenged the Philippians to trust in him and
follow his example of how we should love and treat each
other. The scriptures call us to look deep within and reflect
on what it means to live as children of God in this world.
When we look into the mirror with our own eyes we are
 looking into the eyes of God. What do we see?
listen .

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