Evolution of Mercy


  • Psalm 32:1-11 Blessed are the forgiven
  • Luke 15:1-7 Parable of the lost sheep
  • Luke 15:11-32 Parable of the prodigal and his brother


Evolution of Mercy
The evolution from grace as pardon for wrong doing to the more relational picture of the loving father rushing out to welcome his son home goes on throughout the history of Christianity — and indeed throughout the larger history of humanity — as well as within the pages of the bible. Brock documents the deliberate reintroduction of legalism by the Papacy of the 8thc and the challenge today of building a spirituality of mercy. It is the foundation of Affirming, which is so contradictory to the ethos of exclusion which is so intrinsic to most religions. The prodigal’s confession is not primarily about breaking rules, but about getting lost, losing his soul, and breaking relationships. The grace he needs is reconciliation, redemption.
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