There’s a time for everything

Jeremiah 1:4-10 The call of Jeremiah: “But I’m only a boy!”

Psalm 71:1-6 (VU pp. 789 Part 1) A mighty fortress, a sheltering rock is God
Luke 13:10-17 Jesus shakes things up by healing the bent-over woman.

The scriptures for this Sunday remind us that it’s not always about following the rules, it’s about doing what is right. When God’s prophets speak we must be prepared to be rocked, to be shaken, to feel uncomfortable. Yet, as faithful followers we are assured that we are standing on holy ground; we have God’s steadfast love and divine presence to hold us up and to comfort and protect us. There is a time to pluck up and a time to build, a time to break down and a time to mend. Where are we being called to break the rules? 


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