It’s time to get into the rhythm of Sabbath keeping.

Genesis 1: 3-10 God created in 7 days.
Luke 12:25-27 There is no point in worrying.

The scriptures for this week point out that rhythm and time are important in life. Both God and Jesus invite us to embrace the rhythm of creation which tends to work in cycles. We know that there is a cycle to life, in dying there is rebirth, in emptying there is filling, God created for 6 days and on the 7th day God rested. Exodus provides us with a story of how the Israelites struggled to follow God’s instructions, and how they struggled to believe that God would provide them with exactly what they needed. Seeking balance comes from discipline, preparation and intentionality. How will we be more attentive to the rhythm of Sabbath keeping in our lives? listen .view

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