Embracing Mystery; Cosmic Christ

Sirach 43:9-27 The glory of the Stars and the Rainbow
Psalm 148:1-14 Praise God, sun, moon and shining stars.
Ephesians 3:1-13 God’s Mystery unfolded in God’s Creation

The mystery of faith, is not like a typical mystery book that we read. Faith is not a mystery to be solved, or a problem we need to figure out. Faith is a mystery which we need to embrace like the mystics who describe their relationship to God as a bride to a groom. God wants to be known by us, God longs for us to be in relationship, and God does this through the birth of Jesus, the Cosmic Christ. God longs to reconcile and redeem humanity and all of creation. On the mystical journey may we see the mystery revealed, may we enter a relationship of love and compassion where all are welcomed and enveloped and embraced by the love incarnate.
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