CommuKNITy is creating a stash of knitted bits to be used for a future bombing project. Many people besides the collective members have contributed and it is exciting to see how interested and enthusiastic people are when they hear about the project. Some are simply delighted by the idea of a group engaged in yarn bombing. Others are touched by the larger scope of the project in which a church community is embracing and fostering creativity. My own satisfaction comes from personal connections spawned by this knitting project.

Wherever I go, I talk about talk about the spiritual arts collective and this yarn bombing project. Three businesses in the Oliver community have asked to be included as bombing sites. Tiramisu Bistro has generously offered us space for drop-in knitting sessions. Their staff and customers are curious about our project.
My grandchildren Matthew and Caitlin have joined in the yarn bombing fun. They loved learning about corking. They named themselves the KNIT-knackers and promised to create knitted cord for us. Collective member Debbie Tyson invited a group of co-workers to join her at lunch time to knit and crochet. They work in a law office and have named themselves the KNITagators. She reported that people who have worked in the same office for years are now developing personal friendships. A third group has declared itself. They are the Three BOMBadears, three friends who plan to continue their bombing activities after the project ends.
In the New Year we will continue to gather and knit. There is much to do and all are welcome. Please join us if you are willing to knit or crochet or want to learn. We have set a schedule of knitting sessions until the end of March. Mark them on your calendar. Plan to join the fun J
By Mary Sullivan Holdgrafer