The last straw!

Exodus 5:1-6:1 Bricks without Straw
Romans 5:1-5  Suffering produces character

 In Exodus we hear the story of how Pharaoh punished the Hebrew slaves for answering the call to worship God. Pharaoh felt that they were trying to shirk their responsibilities, and not do their work. Pharaoh wanted to teach them a lesson, so he took away the straw that was needed to make the bricks. The Hebrew people were left to do twice as much work in the same amount of time. Taking time to worship together, to praise God, to study and to strengthen our faith is not a sign of laziness as Pharaoh believed, rather it is a discipline that builds us up and strengthens us to live a healthy and full life full of love and happiness. God was with the people in their time of suffering and provided for the Hebrew people when they needed it. WE, like the Hebrew people face a similar struggle, how will we find a way to carry out our work as we continue to praise God in today’s world?

This was a whole family worship that was very interactive and thus there was no recorded sermon.

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