Holy amnesia can lead to new life.

  • Isaiah 65:17-25 The Glorious New Creation
  • Psalm 146 Praise for God’s Help
  • Matthew 9: 9-17 The call of Matthew

Mending and restoring the world isn’t enough sometimes. Sometimes we need to start fresh, start with a new canvas. Isaiah shares the vision that God is creating a new heaven and earth, one where the land that God gives us is for all people. It is a world where the predator and prey eat together. It is a world where disciples and tax collectors and sinners eat together. Isaiah tells us that we are not to remember former things, and that sometimes it is best to forget in order for something new to emerge. As it says in the Gospel, you shouldn’t put new wine in old wineskins for the skins may burst and the wine would spill. How will our journey through lent lead us to something new?


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