The Witness Statement

Colossians 1:15-20 First born of all creation
Psalm 96 Sing a new song, praise God
Mark 16:1-8, 14 Resurrection & Commissioning

 Tell me what you saw on Easter morning? We hear Mark’s witness statement which is the earliest written witness statement in the Bible. Now like the faithful followers during Christ’s life, we too are being called to witness! Like Mary Magdalene we are called by God to go and tell the world that Jesus has been raised. We need to roar like the sea, and let the earth rejoice, and the trees of the forest sing. But all too often we are afraid and instead we cry.we were not there, we have not seen. Yet we know that God created all things visible and invisible. We have witnessed God at work with our eyes, with our hearts, with our lives. We proclaim and believe that God’s Spirit is at work in our world. So on Easter Sunday let your voice ring out in joy and “Go into the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.”

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