Behind the mask of revenge

Mark 1: 1-8 John the Baptist
Matthew 14: 1-12 Beheading of John the Baptist

For the month of June we will explore stories of both women and men who have been proclaimed as the bad boys and bad girls of the Bible. Herodias, the bad girl for the day, is the wife of King Herod. Herodias is portrayed as a trickster, as vengeful, heartless and a determined woman. In contrast her husband Herod is seen as weak and impulsive and John the Baptist is of course is portrayed as virtuous, honourable, faithful and holy. But what lurks behind Herodias’ mask? What would have led her to desire the head of John the Baptist? Is she heartless or hurt? We will explore anger, gossip, grudges and discrimination and seek our forgiveness, understanding and reconciliation.



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