Expressions of Faith

  • Psalm 98 . O sing a new to God
  • Luke 18: 16 . Let the children come to me
  • Luke 10:38-42 . Mary sat at Jesus feet and listened
Art work and calligraphy by Laura Foster

Celtic Christianity is known for producing wonderful works of art collectively. The Celts believed that art, music, poetry and storytelling are the pathway to which one can experience and express our love of God with the whole of humanity. The Arts invite us to enter spirituality with our senses as well as our brain. The arts enliven our senses, sharpen our intuition, unleash our imagination and help us to feel and embody our faith. This is a Sunday where we celebrate our faith, and our history and tradition. Let us worship God with our hearts, our souls and our minds and share our love for one another.
This was a Whole Family Worship, so there was no formal sermon recorded. 

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