Let’s get passionate not personal

Picture taken by Albert deVos of Tom Johnston and Aubrey Edworthy.

Matt 20: 1-16 Labourers in the Vineyard

The parable of the labourers in the vineyard provides us with a good example of the importance of facing our fear of conflict. It has been said, that “all great relationships require productive conflict in order to grow.” Engaging conflict based on our passion for the concepts and ideas rather than interpersonal politics helps us as a team and as a congregation to come up with the best solution. We do this by truly listening to one another, and passionately gathering our collective wisdom. This parable reminds us of the importance of putting aside our human pride, for God shows no partiality among persons. Our motivations for living the gospel should not be about the type of reward we will receive rather it should be for the good of the community or team.
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