Look to the interests of others!

    The picture was taken by Tony Jansen while on tour in Jakarta Indonesia in 2018. Jim Triscott and Rev. Karen did some editing. The sculpture is called: Arjuna Wijaya Sculture produced in 2003. The plaque near the statue reads: “Sculpture relfects the radiance of inspiration for the spirit of cultural preservation. 

    Philippians 2: 1-13 Imitating Christ’s Humility

Our statement of welcome and inclusion has been the guiding principle of how we long to work together. We continue to strive to ensure that all people are not only welcome in our space, but are empowered to participate fully as the spirit of God calls them. In the spirit of discernment and prayer we will explore how we live out our call to be loving, and take time to consider who’s not in present in our community.

The recording of this sermons is only partial. The introduction did not record. The words will be included in the PDF copy once it has been transcribed. 

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