
Search for God in all the right places!

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Search for God in all the right places!

I see and find the spirit at work in so many places and in so many ways. One of my favorite places to look for the Spirit at work is in Pop Culture. In my Master of Theological Studies program one of my favorite classes was called “Star Trek – The Next Generation; a Theological Study” There were so many episodes that dealt with theological issues. For example: what does
it mean to be human, how do the forces of good and evil play out, temptation, cultural differences, compassion, racism etc.
Theology is the study of God (deity or the divine). When I watch a movie or a TV show I often ask myself three questions:

What does this movie say about who or what the nature of God is?
What does this movie say about our relationship with the Divine as humans?
What does this movie say about our relationship with each other and how the Spirit is at work in the world?

Artists have been depicting God since the beginning of humanity, seeking to describe to others who God is and how God works in the world. Movies and TV shows, and Social media to a lesser extent, are today’s understandings and depictions of God and the Spirit. If you google images of Jesus you will find a huge variety of depictions of Jesus looked like and how different
cultures view him.
Take a moment and ask yourself, “What was the last movie I watched that really had an impact on me and why?” There is religious imagery everywhere. I loved the movie Matrix when it first came out, because it was a modern day baptismal story. NEO (the main character) was born
again, into a new reality, one where his eyes were opened for the first time. He was in a watery pod and when he came out, he took a breath as if for the first time. He saw the world in a new way, he saw what the Matrix was.

Now let’s consider Star Trek which is what our Lenten theme is based on this year. Star Trek constantly explores the purpose and meaning of humanity in an infinite world that goes beyond what we know and experience. Star Wars looks at the perpetual struggle of Good and Evil, as does Lord of the Rings.

Then there is the movie Simon Birch, where a boy seeks to discover what God’s purpose is for him in a world that has never believed in him or accepted him.
As faithful followers of Christ we sometimes find it hard to explain or share our faith with others.
Pop culture is often a helpful way to engage our faith with an approach that is non threatening and more accessible to people who do not believe in the Divine. Pop culture and the arts unleash our imagination and help us find new meaning in ways we have not thought of before.
Pop Culture and the arts help us to connect with each other, and get us talking about what we believe or don’t believe, it helps us to name what we value.

Edward Burnett Taylor wrote:
“(culture is) that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired…”
The next time you watch something on TV or in the Theatre, watch for the Spirit.

What message does God have for you today?

How is the Spirit at work in you as you enter and engage this work of art?

How is this work of art a reflection on the human experience?

How does this story reflect your own faith story or inform your faith story and bringing meaning and purpose to your life?
Have some fun! Watch a show, watch a movie, and talk with your friends, family and strangers about what you experience. And take some time to reflect on what God has in store for you!

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