

Colossians 1: 15-28 Paul, the servant of the Gospel.
Luke 10: 38-42 Jesus visits Mary and Martha

(today due to distraction ironically, Rev. Leigh did not record the sermon. A PDF version will soon be attached.)

In our Bible story today, one sister is distracted by a list of things she wants to do because a guest has come over for supper. She also wants her sister to help her out. She is so distracted by her multitasking and her anger at her sister for not helping that she misses how special her guest is! How are we distracted by resentment (and miss someone’s good intentions) or by planning out our response in a debate (instead of listening to the other’s opinion fully) Delve into the discipline of patience and mindfulness, of fully doing only one thing. How does that help us hear, ask for help, or even help us see Christ in another person?


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