
Waiting – it can’t be avoided

1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11 Cast your cares on God. Be alert.
Acts 1:6-14 The ascension of Jesus.

The disciples were waiting for the coming of the Spirit. We too are waiting for the coming of physical re-connection. Perhaps for the first time in a very long time, the world could not avoid waiting, pausing, and holding fast to one place. In this time of anxiety, fear, and challenge, and suffering we like the disciples and as people of faith are to live into hope. Hope that our faith will sustain us, guide us, and provide us with comfort and direction. Hope that we won’t be the same as we once were. Hope that we are moving into a realm where the kingdom is founded on love and not power. What are we trying to avoid in our haste to return to what we once knew?

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