
M&P Announcement

Please comment on this blog post below to leave a message for Rev. Leigh or e-mail mail@rwuc.org

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Dear friends,

I’m speaking to you as Ministry and Personnel Committee chairperson. For those of you who aren’t familiar with what the M&P Committee does, it’s like the human resources department. I have news to share, in my role with M&P and as a member of Robertson Wesley’s Board.
Rev Leigh Sinclair’s request for a change of pastoral relationship was officially received by the Robertson Wesley Board at a meeting on June 30. The Pastoral Relations Commission of Northern Spirit Regional Council officially received the request at their July 2 meeting. This means Rev Leigh will be moving to another role and leaving her role as minister here at Robertson Wesley.
Rev Leigh will not be working at our church during this transition and will not be in contact with staff or participants of R-W as of the date she submitted her request.
M&P and the Board are committed to leading the congregation and staff through this transition. This includes supporting staff with programming and worship changes, and communicating regularly with the congregation. We will also have help from the broader United Church in navigating this change. They have arranged for retired minister Rev Dale Irving to assist us with conversations about Leigh’s departure, mindful of how it affects our community and workload. Please let Rev Karen Bridges know if you would like to speak with Rev Irving.
Today we say farewell to Rev. Leigh and wish her success in her new pastoral role. We will arrange for messages to be collected into a group e-card; more information will follow.
I’ll give Leigh the “last word”, from her letter to the Board and M&P:
I have been blessed by the strength of Robertson-Wesley’s commitment to its Statement of Welcome and Inclusion, the congregation’s efforts towards outreach as well as its commitment to spiritual formation for all ages. I am grateful for the support that staff receive in this congregation – through its M and P committee as well as its many participants.
I will miss experiencing worship, pastoral care and learning alongside you. I am amazed and will always be grateful for how you strongly continued being the church in the midst of the new setting brought on by Covid-19. I regret that I am not able to hug each of you goodbye as our convenantal relationship comes to an end.

Dear God, we pray for grace and support for all during this period of transition.

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