
Stepping in, and walking in the in-between

Exodus 14:19-31 Crossing the Red Sea
Matthew 18:21-35 How often should I forgive?

We all have choices to make individually, and we have choices to make as a collective group. Making a choice as a collective requires commitment by the whole. Collective decisions does not mean that we all agree. When the Israelites chose to follow Moses, I have no doubt that many of them were skeptical, some were resistant, and some were defiant. Once they were freed from slavery, there was really no going back. The story of the parting of the red sea demonstrates this. Like the Israelites, we have stepped into the space in between. The liminal space that we find ourselves in has God at the center, and we are being reminded of what that means. How do we create safe space in this liminal time? Through patience, forgiveness, grace, and compassion.


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