
Love, Paul, and Persecuted People

1Thessalonians 2:1-8 Paul’s ministry.
Matthew 22:34-46 Love God; love your neighbour.

If the two greatest commandments are to love God and love others, the question is “How do we do that”? Jesus teaches us that loving God is the first and most important thing. But, with it comes to a corollary: to love God means that you must also love God’s people. To love people, you must get to know them, understand them, learn from them, and care for them like family. This is the essence of allyship. The Apostle Paul in many ways was an ally. He worked towards a more inclusive faith in a place full of persecution and oppression. In the West, persecution affects our siblings who are LGBTQ2S+, people of colour, and/or disabled. As Christian allies, how are we going to show our love for God by loving God’s people? In times of persecution, how are you going to respond?

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