
Fill your lamps with knowledge, faith and love.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 • God will raise the dead.
Matthew 25:1-13 • Parable of the 10 bridesmaids and lamps.

In the movie trilogy Back to the Future the characters are provided with the benefit of foresight and retrospection. They see how decisions made by their ancestors guide the future. They also get the opportunity to experience the future and then go back to the present and make corrections on the journey of life to reflect what they hope for the future. The bridesmaids are called to prepare for the coming of Jesus. Identifying what we value and our purpose or mission in the world guides us on how we are to prepare. We too are called to fill our spiritual oil lamps. This requires living with patience, and hope and in difficult times, while holding on to our faith and living in love.


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