Being Moulded

Isaiah 64:1-9 • We are the clay and you are our potter. Now consider, we are all your people.
Mark 13:24-37 • We will never know when God may appear in our midst. Be awake. Be alert.

Entering a time of waiting in the midst of Covid-19 seems redundant at best and insulting at worst. “We’ve been waiting”, we cry. “We want it all to be over”. And indeed, when we begin the journey of the final 4 weeks to Christmas we often do want it to be over. We know the ending. We know where this leads and we just want to be there in the warmth and embrace of family, with the reassurance once again that Jesus is in our midst and there is hope for the world. The scripture reminds us however, that we really do not know the time or the place. We really do not know the date. There is still surprise in our faith life. Jesus might plop down on the park bench beside us tomorrow. Or we may find ourselves yearning long into the new year for the hope and peace we seek. Today’s assurance is “we are all your people.”

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