
Who Says?

1 Samuel 8:4-20 • We Want a King Too!
Mark 3:20-35 • By What Authority?

By whose authority do we live our life in community? How much of what we do is based in the desire to “do what everyone else is doing”? Does The Church give us authority, or have all authority? Whom do you allow to author your life? Whose influence matters most? Each of us at some point in our life have chosen a denomination that reflects what we most deeply believe. We may have been born to that denomination or we may have chosen it later in life. We may have come from another denomination or we may have come for an unexplained (even to ourselves) reason. However, we came to be together for some of us this gathering has become our primary way of sustaining, nurturing and expressing what we truly believe. Whose authority do you credit?


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