
Me, Mine, More vs. Us, Ours, Enough

1 Timothy 6:6-12 • The love of money; fight the good fight.
Luke 16:19-31 Lazarus and the rich man.

This week in Luke, we are treated to a parable that is vivid and oddly satisfying in a “just deserts” kind of way. Lazarus suffers terribly in this life while the rich man consumes conspicuously and lavishly. In a realm beyond this life a whole different world emerges. In today’s epistle, the potential problem of financial wealth is also addressed. We are reminded that God’s law as captured in the ten commandments attempts to steer people from the temptations of wealth. The prophets rail against the abuses of wealth by the powerful. Why was (is?) this such a big issue to God? How might the practice of humility help in this area?

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