
Growing into Faith

2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 • Keep going!
Luke 19: 1-10 • Seek out and save the lost

No one comes into the world as a fully formed follower of Jesus. Christian faith is something you are raised within, in family, in church community or both. Within these circles are individuals who have responsibility for your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. At first, they seem to be God-like. Over time you begin to realize that older siblings, parents, grandparents, teachers and even (especially?) ministers are not perfect, but that they too need to continue to grow and change to meet challenges in their lives. “Best practice” for adults includes a willingness to be part of communities that recognize, encourage and celebrate constructive living and, when necessary, challenge and help re-form ways of living that are not constructive and even hurtful.

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