
A Change of Course

Acts 10:34-43 • Gentiles hear the Good News.
Matthew 3:13-17 • Jesus and John the Baptizer.

In the reading from the book of Acts (officially “The Acts of the Apostles”), after a persuasive vision from God, Peter, somewhat surprisingly, speaks in front of an unexpected audience: Romans, who, as Gentiles–those outside the original covenant between God and the people of God. We hear Peter share with them God’s “statement of inclusion,” that is, the message of Jesus. In the Gospel passage, we witness Jesus at the very beginning of his public ministry. John at first respectfully declines when Jesus asks to be baptized, too, but Jesus convinces John that it is the right thing to do. Immediately afterwards, God adds a very personal blessing. When have you had to be convinced to re-think deeply held ideas or convictions. What happened as a result?

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