
God so Loved

In the Genesis reading, we hear God speaking to Abram, a childless, Bedouin septuagenarian. God tells Abram that if he and his equally aged wife Sarai leave their current home and everything they know, God will make them into a great nation and a blessing to all families on earth. And they go! In John’s Gospel, Nicodemus, a religious leader, secretly comes to Jesus because of signs he has heard Jesus was doing. Nicodemus saw these signs as the beginning of God’s coming kin-dom/ kingdom and wants to know how to be part of it. Jesus’ answer confuses Nicodemus because it requires him to let go of his preconceptions and walk forward trusting in God. Have you ever been at a point in your life where you took a leap of faith? What convinced you to do so? What did you find?


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