A Good Question

Simon Peter is one of the first and closest disciples of Jesus. As his travelling companion for something like three years, Simon Peter has had many first-hand experiences of Jesus, but has also observed how others have responded to him. In this passage, we witness again how Jesus uses questions to have those around him deeply process important issues. In this situation, Jesus has his disciples share some of the conclusions about who he is that have come from members of the crowds who have come to hear and see him. Jesus then asks the disciples directly: “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter is a “blurter” and this time what he says is no less than a revelation directly from God: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” This statement and Jesus’ response to it not only cements Peter’s place in the inner circle of the disciples at the time, but also in the church that would eventually develop around Jesus and his teachings. When have you had a sudden, deep insight regarding a person, event or situation? How did this insight affect your life?

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