Making Sense

Last week we heard Simon Peter’s breakthrough insight into who Jesus is: no less than God’s anointed and appointed one, the one who will redefine and reshape the world in the image of God. The expectations of the Messiah include both political and religious dimensions. There is the feeling that the dark night of Roman occupation combined with the weight of the religious establishment will finally come to an end. However, God apparently has other plans, ones that defy expectations and perhaps even human logic. From being lauded as a cornerstone of the church by Jesus, Peter is now called out by Jesus as being like Satan, one who opposes God and God’s ways. The Apostle Paul writes about hallmarks of a community who lives in light of Jesus the Christ. Neither the Gospel reading, nor Paul’s letter seem to be recipes for anything like success.
What ideas, principles or practices were you taught to live by in order to find success in life? Which ones have you had to re-evaluate or even abandon?

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