What was that?

Today’s scripture passage is one of the very earliest remaining pieces of writing to a community of followers of Jesus. As was his practice, the Apostle Paul has come into the important trade city of Thessalonica and begun talking about Jesus to whoever would listen. As often happened, the “insiders,” those who might have been receptive to the scripture-fulfilling and tradition-transforming life, death and resurrection of Jesus are not moved and in fact are hostile to this message. In the meantime, outsiders find what is being taught so compelling that they form a community to learn more about Jesus and live in a way consistent with his message. We learn from Paul’s writing that the community of faith in Thessalonica has already become an important sign of how Jesus’ example and teaching is open to all those who would listen. When has a message that might have meant something important to you fallen flat? When have you been struck by a message that might have been intended for someone else?

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