What’s Love Got to Do With It?

Paul’s letter to the community of faith in Corinth addresses a number of difficult questions about how they are to live and worship together. How should they understand and value spiritual gifts like healing and ecstatic speech, both among themselves and in relationships beyond their immediate community? How should they share the Lord’s Supper (communion) within their community? What are the standards of sexual morality they should expect of each other? These are complex topics and no easy answers given. Yet, in the midst of it all, Paul pauses the advice and instruction to offer a reflection on the characteristics and effects of love, more specifically God’s love. At first it seems like an interruption in the flow of the letter. Taking a closer look, it just may be the perfect way to transform the most difficult of discussions. Have you ever been in a difficult discussion or situation that could have used a reset or reframing? If such a reset happened, how did it take place? What difference did it make?

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