REST-oration and Wellness

2 Corinthians 8:7-15 • Excel in Generosity
Mark 5:21-43 • Young girl raise; hemorrhaging woman healed.

We have all heard the statements, “It is the cycle of life”, or “what goes around comes around.” Right from the start of creation God added an important step in the cycle of life or the rhythm of daily living, which is a day to rest. God calls us to enter a time of Sabbath which allows not only humans but all of creation an opportunity to rest and be restored, to move back to a place of wellness. Taking a break in our patterns of behaviour or breaking off from our usual path brings restoration, new life and new opportunities. In a world that seems to be increasing in speed and destruction of creation, what can we learn from the story of a woman who reached out to Jesus in trust of being healed? How will a spirit of generosity bring hope and healing to the broken world?


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