
Curbing Cravings; yielding wisdom and good fruit

James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a • Wisdom from above is gentle and peaceable.
Mark 9:30-37 • Whoever welcomes a child, welcomes me.

Curbing our human cravings for power, recognition and status is an everyday challenge for most of us. Our survival instinct is an important part of being human, but at times it does not serve us well. “God made humans to live and move and have their being in God…God transforms, and calls us to protect the vulnerable, to pray for deliverance from evil, to work with God for the healing of the world, that all might have abundant life.” What is our purpose as people of faith? God wants us to love, to be kind and to be equitable, to share in the abundance of all that we have received. How we will live out the call to “show by your good life that your words are done with gentleness born of wisdom?” What does it look like to welcome Jesus into our lives?


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