Have you heard who moved in?

John 1: 1–18 The Word Became Flesh The word on the streets is that God has moved into the neighbourhood. The word has become flesh, and now we can experience God in human form. Jesus is the word, and though many words in our world have lost power, this word

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What will ground you this Advent?

Fear blows in, what will ground you? Ezekiel 37: 1–14Advent is a season of emptying ourselves and preparing a space for peace to arise within. How can we decrease the power of anxiety in our lives and increase the space for imagination, visioning and peace-making? Come and explore with us how

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Remember to trust in God

Picture taken by Rev. Karen Bridges, Sept 2017 Jeremiah 29: 1, 4–14 [Letter to the exiles] The prophet Jeremiah is writing to people who have been exiled, who have been forced to move away from what they have known – into the unknown. Today this is sometimes experienced in the

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Remember to Seek Justice

Amos 1: 1–2, 5:14–15, 21–24 Let justice roll like a river The prophet Amos is not one to mince words. His message is clear – justice and righteousness are essential elements of a faithful life. Have we been too focused on our rituals and worship, that we have forgotten that

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Remember you are not alone!

Picture Taken by Rev. Karen Bridges Sept. 2017 1 Kings 19: 1–18 Elijah meets God at Horeb The prophet Elijah finds himself tired, exhausted alone, and living in fear for his life. He seeks solitude and in the quietness he reaches his breaking point. He’s ready to check out. Elijah

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God Provides the Connections

1 Samuel 3:1–21 In the times of old, oil was used to anoint leaders: kings and queens, priests and elders—a way of connecting them to the old and new, the privileges and the responsibilities of the position. What are ways today that we celebrate our connections—to the past and to

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God Provides the Harvest

Exodus 6:1–18On a weekend focused on gratitude and humility we gather to thank God for all that is, was and shall be! We will participate in baptisms and faith affirmation. You are invited to join us, to renewing your baptismal vows or pondering your future baptism!  (image taken by Jim

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