God Provides the Connections

1 Samuel 3:1–21 In the times of old, oil was used to anoint leaders: kings and queens, priests and elders—a way of connecting them to the old and new, the privileges and the responsibilities of the position. What are ways today that we celebrate our connections—to the past and to

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God Provides the Harvest

Exodus 6:1–18On a weekend focused on gratitude and humility we gather to thank God for all that is, was and shall be! We will participate in baptisms and faith affirmation. You are invited to join us, to renewing your baptismal vows or pondering your future baptism!  (image taken by Jim

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God Provides

Exodus 2:23–25; 3:10–15; 4:10–17 We celebrated World Wide Communion Sunday this week with an all-ages, open table, worship service. We will re-center ourselves by answering some questions: Why do we gather? Who do we remember in Communion? Why do we need to share our time, talents and tithes in our

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God Promises that Seasons Will Turn

September 17, 2017 Genesis 21:1-3; 22:1-14 God Promises that Seasons Will Turn A whole year’s Liturgical Calendar (12 months of worship and learning) in one service? Yes we can! What songs, colours and stories make up each season in the Christian traditions? How does each season raise questions in our

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God Promises Blessings and Beginnings

Genesis 1:1–2: 4a God Promises Blessings and Beginnings Today’s service will include a blessing of backpacks and briefcases, purses and lunch kits to help us move into the “new year” of school and Kid’s Church! We will have registration for Kid’s Church as well as exploring the beginnings of the universe

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Imagination is a Superpower!

(Due to technical difficulties this week’s sermon is not available to listen to or read.) Ezekiel 37:1-14 and Psalm 23  Anne Shirley, the main character from Anne of Green Gables, is both loved and bullied for her immense imagination. Seeing beyond what is to see what could be is also a

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God is my Superpower

Jonah 1:1-3; 3: 1-4, 9 and 10; 4:1-4 and Psalm 17Sermon: God is my Superpower! Jonah is a famous prophet. But oddly he is best remembered for how many times (and how creatively) he said “NO, NOT ME”! God is so amazing though that in Jonah’s refusals and anger there

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Serving Others: Life Changing

Scripture: Ruth 1 Ruth and Professor X: Super Servants! Jesus calls us to become servants to all. This means making choices each day to love others and share what gifts we have; choosing to take care of ourselves so we will be ready when God calls. This is not easy because

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