Faith from fear to freedom

Photo by Albert deVos in New York City, 44 St and 4th Ave.The words are the theme for Stewardship this program year.  Exodus 14:10-14, 21-29 . Rescue at the Sea The Israelites cried out to God, “What have you done to us?” Someone once asked me if I truly believed

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(Insert Name) made me do it!

Genesis 12:1-9 . The blessing of Abram  God tells Abram to go, to journey with God toward Negeb. God told Abram that this journey was about going to a place that God would give to Abram, and when he did this God would bless him, and in turn he would

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With Bold New Decisions

Joel 2:12-14, 28-29 Return to me with all your heartPhilippians 4: 4-9 Rejoice in the Lord always The turning of the season is a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and all that life offers. Our roles shift, our priorities shift. It is said in Ecclesiastes that for everything

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Perfectly One

Image license: CC0. Text: John 17:23 John 17:10–24 • Jesus prays The last time Jesus was together with his disciples, the conversation ends with a prayer. We hear the words of Jesus’ prayer and we hear the passion. Jesus is ready to leave his disciples—but he will never leave them.

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The Good Wine

Image license: CC0. Text: John 2:10 John 2:1–11 • Wedding at Cana “The best is yet to come.” Perhaps this is the true expression of hope. At the wedding banquet, Jesus tells his mother, “my time has not come.” Yet, the wine was replenished, replacing the water for ritual purification.

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God give us strength

Image taken by Karen Bridges with words from Keri Wehlander   Habakkuk 1: 1-11 Why does God allow this to happen?Habakkuk 3: 1-19 Habakkuk’s prayer  The prophet Habakkuk lived in troubled times. Like many of us today Habakkuk witnessed violence, conflict, suffering and injustice. Habakkuk had two questions for God: Why

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Integrity Under Pressure

Image by Marcus Obal via Wikimedia Commons. Text added. Source  Daniel 3: 1-30 The fiery furnace Like Daniel’s three friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, we live in a time where the recognition of God’s presence and power are not acknowledged, nor revered. The three friends are faced with uncertain death,

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World Reborn

Image Licence: CC0. Text: John 3:4 John 3:1–21 • Nicodemus Jesus is in conversation with Nicodemus, a ruler and teacher of Israel who is struggling to recognize the power of the Spirit to bring us to a new birth. With that birth comes the possibility to see the Spirit at

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Sometimes you have to walk away.

Mark 8: 1-21 Feeding of the 4000  Joyce Rupp in her book “God’s Enduring Presence; strength for the spiritual journey” wrote a reflection entitled ‘Leaving the scene of frustration’. In this story, Jesus finds himself frustrated with some of the people gathered and he in fact gets on a boat

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