Remember, Practice, Interrupt and Praise

Deuteronomy 5: 1-21; 6:4-9 . 10 Commandments As faithful followers we have been given a set of commandments (rules or guidelines) to live by. We are in a covenant relationship with God which requires us to interrupt our daily routines to remember God’s promises, to practice what God commands of

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Wrestling with God leads to Blessing

Genesis 32:22-30 Jacob Wrestles with GodRomans 9:1-5 Speak the truth in Christ The story of Jacob wrestling with God is a good reminder that one’s faith journey isn’t always easy and like Jacob we should never give up. Over the past several weeks we have heard stories that call us

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Let’s get our act together!

Ecclesiastes 4: 1-16 The Value of a Friend As we move into the fall and another exciting year of programming we hear wisdom in the words of the author of Ecclesiastes a name which is derived from the Hebrew Qoheleth. In Hebrew the root qhl has to do with an

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