Can I do that?

Acts 15: 1-17 . Council at Jerusalem; Faith Gives identity to both Jews and Gentiles Stewardship is about sharing our times, treasures and talents and participating in the ministry and mission of the body of Christ. We are told today that no matter where you have come from, and in

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Word Christ Sacrament

Acts 8:26-39 • Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch In the reading of Isaiah, the Ethiopian immerses in the great heritage of prophecy and finds himself longing for understanding. By the power of the Holy Spirit, Philip is led to meet the Ethiopian and lead him from prophesy to its fulfillment

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Our Hearts on Fire

Psalm 116: 1-4, 12-19 I love the LordLuke 24: 13-35 Road to Emmaus Meeting Jesus on the road happens more then we know. The scriptures call us to not only the ministry of witness, but also to the ministry of hospitality. To welcome a stranger puts us in a position

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The Lord Needs You!

Luke 19:29-44 . Triumphal entry, weeping over the city We have been called to witness and praise God joyfully as the multitude of disciples did when they proclaimed to the people all they had seen and heard. We cannot be silent any more. Friends, do not allow yourselves to be

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I have a problem

Luke 16:19-31 . Parable of the rich man and Lazarus The parable of Lazarus and the rich man is well known. The scene of one man living with wealth and opulence while another man lives in the gutter with dogs is an image that is just as shocking today as

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