What have we witnessed here today?

Luke 10:25-42 Good Samaritan  A Song of Faith states, “Through word, music, art, and sacrament, in community and in solitude, God changes our lives, our relationships, and our world.” We will explore the parable of the Good Samaritan through story, through communion and through word, music and art and like

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Amazement and Compassion

Luke 7:1-17 Centurion’s slave and Widow’s son Jesus found the centurion`s faith amazing and he was moved to compassion by the plight of the widow. His experience of the world around him shaped his response to the people he met. Thus today we would rightly wonder, What did the world

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An epiphany! Help me, help you!

Psalm 71 In God I seek refugeLuke 4:14-30 Sermon at Nazareth Jesus’ sermon at Nazareth could be considered his mandate, his mission statement. He has heard the call of God in the words of Isaiah and while he was in the synagogue he proclaimed to the community who he is,

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