Facing Change with the Faith of Daniel

Daniel 4: 1-37 Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and Daniel’s interpretation The book of Daniel is prophetic in nature and shares many dreams and visions. This book speaks to the nature of the world that we live in today. Daniel’s actions and faith give us both insight and encouragement to hold on to

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The Why of Church

  Hebrews 1:1-4, 10-12 God has spoken by his Son.Psalm 102:25-28 God has laid the foundation.Luke 6:46-49 The wise builder. 100 Years: Created and CreatingOn this day we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Robertson Building which was completed in 1914. This building has been a landmark in the city

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Step Into God’s Life

Scripture: Isaiah 66:1-2 What kind of house Matthew 6:5-6 Prayer Sermon: Step Into God’s LifeHow do we enter into sacred presence? What do we do to cultivate a sense of the nearness of God? How do we call on God; and how do we ready ourselves to hear when God

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Being Here

Isaiah 40:3-5 A highway for our God Matthew 3:1-3 John the Baptist Sermon: Being HereIsaiah speaks words of hope to Israel using landscape metaphors. What is the significance of R-W’s location? What was created here? How was the ministry shaped by this location? And how has the church responded to

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Embracing Mystery; Cosmic Christ

Sirach 43:9-27 The glory of the Stars and the RainbowPsalm 148:1-14 Praise God, sun, moon and shining stars.Ephesians 3:1-13 God’s Mystery unfolded in God’s Creation The mystery of faith, is not like a typical mystery book that we read. Faith is not a mystery to be solved, or a problem

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Embracing Eternity

Scripture: Hebrews 1:10-12 Christ founded the earth John 1:1-5 In the beginning was the Word Sermon: Embracing EternityThe scripture readings today portray Christ as being from the beginning and existing eternally. Yet we celebrate the birth of Christ at a specific point in time. Perhaps this is the real power

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Draw the Circle Wider Still

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 One God of all Ephesians 2:8-10 We are what He has made us Sermon: Draw the Circle Wider StillRW was recognized as an Affirming Ministry in 2007, following years of learning inclusion. The challenge continues as we endeavour to live out our Statement of Inclusion more

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The Truth About God

Scripture: Psalm 76:1-12 The majestic sovereignty of God embraces the whole earth Romans 1:18-25 the universality of the divine presence throughout all of creation Sermon: The Truth About GodPaul states that through Creation, the truth about God is know to all humanity. The Psalmist declares the universality of God’s sovereignty.

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