Shape up in the image of God

Genesis 1:26-31 God created humankind in God’s image. Colossians 3:5-17 New life in Christ. Human nature and Divine nature are often two different things. Human nature is about survival, and instinct, flight or fight. Divine nature is about compassion, interconnectedness, forgiveness and unconditional love and servanthood. We have been made

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Church Ever New

Scripture: Proverbs 14:31 Equality in our common creator Isaiah 48:3-8a Created now, not long ago Ephesians 4:17-24 The new self Sermon: Church Ever NewIn the Power of the Creative Spirit, the Church is for ever renewing itself. We are a Reformed church, but also called to be a perpetually reforming

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One name cannot contain you!

Psalm 104: 1-30 God the Creator and ProviderRomans 8:38-39 Nothing can separate us from GodDeuteronomy 30:11-20 Choose Life In A Song of Faith we sing that “God creates the universe, God tends the universe, God enlivens the universe.” We have been given life, and all that we need to live,

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Feast of Creation

Scripture: Exodus 20:8-11 Remember the Sabbath day Matthew 6:25-33 Birds in the sky Sermon: Feast of CreationMany of us gather for a feast on Thanksgiving. The feast is a way to celebrate life: all of our blessings and creation itself. We feast not only on food, but also on affection,

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Creation emerges from chaos

Genesis 1: 1-4 In the beginningPsalm 51: 6-12 Create in me a clean heart.  In the beginning God created. We believe in the United Church that God not only created, but is still creating and we are partners in this creation. Sabbath practice invites us to be intentional and deliberate

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What is Stopping You?

Scripture: Isaiah 30:12-16 In rest you shall find salvation Psalm 46 Be still and know that I am God Mark 6:30-32 Jesus invites the apostles to rest in the wilderness Sermon: What’s Stopping You?The practice of sabbath is begins by pausing, taking a break, letting go of what we are

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Year-Round Holidays

Scripture: Exodus 31:12-18 The sabbath law Deuteronomy 5:12-15 Observe the sabbath day Mark 2:23-28 Challenge about sabbath Sermon: Year-Round Holidays“Holiday” means “holy day”. Sabbath is a holy day; not a vacation, but a holy day. And it comes around again every week, all year round. What is the difference between

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There’s a time for everything

Jeremiah 1:4-10 The call of Jeremiah: “But I’m only a boy!” Psalm 71:1-6 (VU pp. 789 Part 1) A mighty fortress, a sheltering rock is GodLuke 13:10-17 Jesus shakes things up by healing the bent-over woman. The scriptures for this Sunday remind us that it’s not always about following the

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