You CAN handle the truth!

Psalm 8 (VU pp. 730-732) How glorious is God’s name. Romans 5:1-5 Suffering-endurance-character-hope John 16: 12-15 The Spirit of truth. The writings from both Paul and John help us to explore the nature of our relationship with God, with Jesus and with the Holy Spirit – the trinity. Life is

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Scripture: Acts 1:1-11 The Ascension Ephesians 1:15-23 Wisdom and revelation Luke 24:44-53 The ascension Sermon: The End and the BeginningThe stories of the Ascension make the bridge from the Jesus of Nazareth, bodily present on the earth, to the Living Christ, present to us in the Holy Spirit. In profound

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How Then Shall We Love?

Scripture: Acts 11:1-18 Life to Gentiles John 13:31-35 The New Commandment Sermon: How Then Shall We LoveWhat is Love, really? Does it really warrant the centrality it is given in the Christian way? Or is it just sentimental mush? Not if we are willing to reaffirm the truly Christian understanding

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My Shepherd

Scripture: Psalm 23:1-6 Shepherd Psalm John 10:22-30 Jesus is Questioned by the Jews Dramatic Monologue: My ShepherdThe Shepherd Psalm, presented as a dramatic monologue with the shepherd speaking of the One who is a shepherd to them, who lays them down in lush, green pastures, and leads them beside peaceful

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Digging Deep for a strong future.

Matthew 13:44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field” John 21:1-19 John appears to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias This is the theme of Stewardship for the coming year. As we celebrate the anniversary of the building of Robertson-Wesley and the legacy that has

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Living Faith with Conviction!

Acts 5:27-32 Peter speaks before the Sanhedrin. Psalm 150 Praise God with the sound of trumpet! John 20:19-31 Thomas doubts until he sees Jesus himself. Today we hear the story of how Paul put his life on the line. He stood strong in his convictions and obeyed God rather than

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A Song in Every Silence

Scripture: Isaiah 65:17-25The glorious new creation John 20:1-18The resurrection of Jesus Sermon: A Song in Every SilenceLooking into the eyes of the Risen Christ, we behold Life more deeply and profoundly than ever before: not something apart from death, but the transformation of death. Then, with new senses, we see

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A Shoot Springs Forth

Scripture: Isaiah 43:16-21 Behold, I am doing a new thing John 12:1-8 Mary Annoints Jesus Sermon: A Shoot Springs ForthI have always liked this verse, especially as a young radical wanting change. Then I learned about Living Tradition: moving into the future in continuity with the past. Now, I think

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