The relinquishment of privilege brings blessings.
Mark 10:17-31 • Rich man is called to sell all he has to follow Jesus As we enter the season of Lent what are we being called to relinquish in order to return to God? The secular world invites us to live in the spirituality of scarcity, where we allow
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Mark 8:27-9:8 • Peter’s confession, and the Transfiguration. Best Picture Nominated Movie: Barbie Continuing a Robertson-Wesley tradition, on Sunday, February 11, the sermon will look at the scripture reading of the day with an Oscar-nominated movie in mind. The scripture passages today explore questions of identity. Who is Jesus? Who
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Best Picture Nominated Movie: Oppenheimer Resuming a Robertson-Wesley tradition, on Sunday, February 4, the sermon will look at the scripture reading of the day with an Oscar-nominated movie in mind. Both sources deal with powerful forces and how they are dealt with by key, historic individuals—Jesus and J. Robert Oppenheimer.
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Mark 5:21-43 • Jesus heals those who seek relief. The story of the faith of the woman who reaches out to touch the hem of Jesus’ cloak is one of deep abiding faith. It is a story of living one’s faith boldly, and taking a risk. As we celebrate the
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The Gospel of Mark moves at a breakneck pace because of the urgency of what Jesus has to accomplish. A storm on the Sea of Galilee has deposited Jesus and his disciples in Gentile territory, a place faithful Jews like them would not have voluntarily ventured at that time. Not
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Mark 4:1-34 • Parables of sower and mustard seed. Jesus taught in parables which is defined as a short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle. The parable of the sower invites faithful followers to not worry about success on the first try, but rather to
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Jesus has just begun his public ministry and from the start it moves at a frenetic pace, reflecting the urgency of his message of God’s new world being at hand. Even as the words of his first Sabbath synagogue teaching are reverberating, it becomes apparent that a major need of
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Luke 2:22-40 • Jesus presented at the temple. What does it mean to be people of faith? What does it take to be a disciple? What will our faith require of us? The community of faith is all around us both within the temple and out in the world. We
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Elizabeth and Zechariah prepare to receive one of the most precious gifts, the gift of a child. Zechariah was visited by an angel and he was terrified, but the angel tells him to not be afraid, for his prayers have been heard. Zechariah names the child John, and suddenly he
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