As You Go

In his letter to a community of faith in Rome, Paul acknowledges that a life of faith in God will not be easy, but can be bearable and even, eventually, hopeful. Jesus began his work toward the renewed kin-dom of God and, even while he was still alive, he brought

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The Pilgrims’ Mistake

We live in a complex and dynamic world. As followers of Jesus we are called to acknowledge and proclaim that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. In some parts of the world this proclamation has led to the persecution of Christians, as Stephen (in the passage from

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Who Do You Follow?

As Jesus speaks, we learn that even in the apparently simpler times of Palestine two thousand years ago, there was more than one group and individuals vying for followers. Like then, we need to hone our listening so that we can better choose which voices we respond to. The Epistle

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Blessing of Relationships

Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19 • What shall I return to the Lord? Luke 24:13-35 • The road to Emmaus. The seeds of hope are planted not only in the earth, but also in you and me. What does it take to grow these seeds? It begins by believing that there is

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Making Room for Faith

It appears that the disciples have heard, but have certainly not believed Mary’s testimony of having encountered the resurrected Jesus. They have gathered together in fear, behind locked doors, to grieve Jesus’ death. When he appears to them, the first thing he does is to offer them a blessing of

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