
Genesis 12:1-4a The call of AbramJohn 3:1-17 Nicodemus visits Jesus Jesus’ words to Nicodemus about being born again, like God’s call to Abram, represent the offer of a beginning. It is not the beginning that is long past, nor is it starting over again; but a perception of life that

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Karma Bending

Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7 First sin and punishmentMatthew 4:1-11 Temptation of Jesus Theologians have called it “Original Sin”, this feeling of curse or “bad karma” that seems inevitable in human nature. Matthew Fox says that before original sin came original blessing. These thoughts are the background against which to understand Jesus’

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Now I SEE you — Face to Face!

Exodus 24:12-18 God calls Moses up the mountainMatthew 17: 1-9 Jesus transfigured on the mountain Both Moses and Jesus are transformed, transfigured and changed by the presence of God. The events are spectacular, illuminating, dazzling and awe inspiring. So what do we do with this? Has your heart been set

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Inscribed on the Hands of God

Isaiah 49:8-16 Yet I will not forget youMatthew 6:24-34 Do not worry about your life Envision your name inscribed on the hand of God. Envision God holding you so dearly that it would never be possible to forget you. Here is a truly relational view of the Sacred. What is

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If I had a hammer…I would make a table

Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18. Living the holy life1 Corinthians 3:10-23. You are God’s templeMatthew 5:38-48. Turn the other cheek; give your cloak Our foundation is solid, our foundation is Jesus Christ. We are the builders called to build upon this foundation that God has given us. I believe we need to

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But I Say to You

Matthew 5:21-37 Anger, Adultery, Divorce and OathsDeuteronomy 30:15-20 The great choiceSirach 15:15-20 Wisdom of the Lord Why is the Old Testament important to us? Because it was Jesus’ Bible: the background code against which his life and teachings are understood. He refers to the tenets of the Hebrew scriptures in

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Instruction Manual for Life

Isaiah 58:1-12 The fast that Yahweh choosesPsalm 112 Bessings of the righteousMatthew 5:13-20 Let your light shine In Isaiah’s words, the prophetic demand for justice, for the end of oppression, is direct and unequivocal. And the consequence is just as clear: a good life, blessed and shining as a light

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A Story to Live By

Isaiah 9:1-4 The people who walked in darknessPsalm 27 God is my light and my salvationMatthew 4:12-23 Jesus begins his ministry in Galilee Jesus ministry begins with a declaration of the fulfillment of the ancient promise. This is the fundamental story that shapes our perception and experience of life in

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Waiting, I am waiting, and now I sing

Psalm 40:1-11 I waited patiently for God.1 Corinthians 1:1-9 I thank God for you.John 1:29-42 Simon and Andrew become disciples In the gospel according to John, Jesus asked two of the disciples the following question: “What are you looking for?” There are times in our life when we are waiting

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