Gratitude First

Deuteronomy 26:1–11 First fruits and tithesPsalm 100 Make a joyful noiseLuke 17:11–19 Jesus cleanses ten lepers Sometimes, expressing gratitude—simply giving thanks—is the last thing we think to do.That is tragic, because when we begin with gratitude, it transforms—blesses everything that follows, like a light that illuminates our way ahead in

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Active Hope

Habakkuk 1:1–4, 2:1–4 Complaint and replyPsalm 37:1-9 Trust in the LordLuke 17:5-10 Unlimited faith and the willing servant The prevalence of evil and apathy in the world seems to extinguish hope for our worldly existence. But hope is not so passive — rather it is an active choice to trust

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Hope for a Rich Fool

Amos 6:1a, 4-7 Ignoring the ruin of JosephPsalm 146 Put not your trust in princesLuke 16:19-31 The rich man and Lazarus A story of a rich man who refuses to help a poor man and then confronts the dilema of his own salvation. What a universal story! The answer is

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Outrageous Steward

Amos 8:4-7 Condemning injusticePsalm 113 Praise to the LordLuke 16:1-13 Cannot serve two masters This manager cheats his master to help his friends. It is outrageous behaviour that shatters our sense of decency and propriety. Why would Jesus tell a story like this? Maybe for exactly that purpose: to shatter

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True Follower

Deuteronomy 30:15–20 Choose lifePsalm 1 The two waysLuke 14:25-33 The cost of discipleship We all want to be followers — disciples — of something ultimate, something wondrously true. Something to which we can give ourselves without reservation and for ever. Something that warrants allowing ourselves to be remade, reshaped and

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Humble Greatness

Sirach 10:12-18 On pridePsalm 112 Bessings of the righteousLuke 14:1, 7-14 Humility and hospitality How do we rightly understand humility in a world so bent on rising above the rest and cultivating an artificial self? Jesus offers a paradoxical truth. And it is just this contradictory twist that breaks us

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The Promise of Life

Genesis 15:1-6 • Abram’s trust in God Luke 12:32-40 • Watchfulness and trust There is so much in our world that is frightening, frustrating, discouraging; cynicism and depair are so near. Yet at the heart of our faith is a simple, vigilant trust. We are offered a way to see

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Wise Wealth

Ecclesiastes 1:2, 12-14, 2:18-23 All is vanityPsalm 49:1-12 the foolishness of trusting wealthLuke 12:13-21 The parable of the rich fool Conventional wisdom directs us to get ahead and to achieve as much wealth and power as possible. But in truth there is a fatal error here. There is a very

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Entertaining Angels

Genesis 18:1-10a • Angels’ visit to Abraham & Sarah Luke 10:38–42 • Jesus visits Mary and Martha If we truly and deeply respect every person whom we meet, offering hospitality and listening, we will find the angel — or the Christ — in each one. Hospitaltiy is welcoming another safely

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